Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Foetal Mass of a Grey Romance

The Womb of my Heart has been Gestating a seed-
The seed of a seemingly Grey Romance,
It floats in the matrix of my heart's belly,
Not knowing whether to attach to or flow out of me,
The seed seems to be yours,
The belly is but mine,
Strange it is that it got into me,
Wihtout us making love even in the dark!

At times it rattles the calm out of me,
Other times it awakens the tenderness in me,
Tickling me with its gentle rush
It sometimes brings a smile on my face.
But come the night and it chooses to rest,
It stays still as if in a motionless swoon,
While I lay disturbed, unable to sleep,
It sleeps away as if on calculated purpose
To mercilessly punish me for my follies,
That deathly silence of your living seed
Begins a chaos deep within me,
A cahos that then becomes a huge battle,
A battle between me and the you with me!

The seed has now begun to stick to the heart's belly,
Trying to root itself into the walls,
All I can do is sit back and watch,
Watch it grow and breathe within me,
Feel it kick and turn inside me,
I have but kept my inner walls open
For you to spray your favourite pesticides
And reduce your seed into a clotted mass,
When you begin to feel you dont want its birth
Through the belly of a woman like me.
I would not object the uprooting process,
If given the choice I wud but beg,
Beg you to not  rattle the heart,
For its was not my fault at all
That the sun did not shine upon my heart!