Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is this love?

Student days are full of ambitions,systematic study,exams,projects,internls....blah blah.It took me so long to realise that amidst all these activities,I often forget to sit down and feel the emotions of the teenager within me.
As always,this post may leave you perplexd or even lead you to believe that I am out of my mind but whatever the world thinks about me,I have realised that neglecting human emotions wont work at all.I have just come back after watching Gautam Menon's "Vinnaithandi Varuvaaya" and I have realised that all these years,I have been ovrlooking the feeling of love.Of course I do love my parents,but when my friends used to talk to me about how they find charm and beauty in every single thing when they are in a relation with a guy,I used to never understand that.In fact,not just me,but quite a few of my friends never understood what that meant.Today,after the movie,all of us talked our minds out over a cup of coffee.
Most of us fear falling in love.My friends told me that they negate and neglect such emotions because they feel that studies will get affected.More importantly,they simply overlook such things because their parents may not like it,their parents may get hurt.Thats where I was really touched-"parents may get hurt".
We sacrifice one kind of love for another kind of love.What a wierd life we live!I am not trying to say that on finding someone good,everyone should elope.Its just that our mindsets havent grown enough to accommodate the fluctuations and uncertainities of life.Thinking deep,all of us are living our lives for someone else's happiness-wifes do not go for a divorce despite havig got fed up with their husbands only because they want their children to be happy,teenagers sacrifice their career interests to satisfy their parents,men do not quit their uninspiring jobs just to feed their kids and keep their families happy........the saga goes on.
The one thing I have realised is that whatever we do,we must do it with full interest-be it love ,job,family or whatever.Whatever it takes,never negate your emotions.At the end of it all,whats life if you do not find charm in it?
Hoping for a day when our society will be ready to dissolve its pseudo moral codes and accept human emotions as they are so that we can at least find happiness in this momentary thing called life!

1 comment:

shaji said...

First of all I am reading your thougts not as a father but an individual's independent outlook on life. As you said, life is a sacrifice and no dispute on it. The stigma in the society is that there is no scope for real love. In a way it is true but i think, there is no such thing called love but only sex. The sexual aspirations will play a masquerade in the form of love.In most of the cases, the so called love will end up in sex and that is the end of everything. We can say many things about platonic love and all. But in reality, they are all fake especially the perverts' society of Kerala is concerned. Keep spark your thougts and think and feel free.