Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Friday, March 20, 2009

Big world,small people......

The other day I was watching the television when I came across an interview with Resul Pookutty who won the Oscar for Slumdog Millionare.As I was watching the show I was impressed by the humility with which he spoke inspite of being appreciated on an international level.This somehow triggered some other thoughts in my mind.

There are so many people in the world who are well known and are remembered even after their deaths.If we observe these people closely,we can find out that majority of them are very humble.Knowledge and experience inculcates humility in man.But on the other hand,it is the less learned people who show off and try to dominate over others.When we look at the world,we realise that we are just a tiny bit on it.There are so many things to learn,such a long way to go.I donno why such a crazy thought came to me,but still,I kept pondering over it for a very long time.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Is this "Co-education"?!

I was on my way to write my Board exams.I got into my school bus and sat at the back with my classmates.We were leaving for the school which was our examination centre as alloted by the Cbse board.It was english exam and as it is common for all,both the science and commerce stream students had it on the same day.We went in two buses.The bus had already reached half way when I realised that all the girls were in the bus that I sat in and the guys wre in the other bus.The first thought that came into my mind was "Wow....so this is co- education....interesting".

That incident posed certain confusions in my mind.What is wrong if boys and girls are allowed to mingle?At least go together in a bus?This is the era where as individuals we will all need to interact with the opposite sex on many occasions.The very purpose of co-education is to enable students to interact and learn how to build healthy relations with students of the opposite gender.Teenage is an age when restsrictions are needed but that dosent mean complete isolation.

If students are not allowed to mingle,they(especially girls)feel that the other sex is something to be feared of and avoided.This may create serious maladjustments later on in life.The world today provides equal oppotunities for all irrespective if the sex.Both girls and boys have equal chances to achieve what they desire and there will surely be instances where interaction between the sexes is inevitable.I think school life need to prepare students to face such situations.Children need to be taught how to be in their limits and build healthy relations and respect the opposite sex.

Co-education should mean what it means.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Ragging"...another name for primitive sadism?

A wave of bewilderment ran down my spine when I heard the news about the death of a 19yr old student from Mumbai as a result of ragging in the campus today.Even after ragging has been listed as a criminal offense under the IPC ,there seems to be no visible effect on those who commit it.After all the question that such issues pose is that where is the so called "modern" society heading towards?What sort of value system is being inculcated in the young generation today?

Aman ,the student who was reported to be dead as a result of brutal physical assault on the pretext of ragging by seniors of his campus was a medical student.The students who commited the act where also medical students.If this is the kind of inhumane attitude that these students carry forward in their life,the will not hesitate to turn the very noble medical profession into that of a butcher's.If this is the kind of morality that the present educational and social set up is giving the youngsters, how can we blame the conduct of acts like organ trade,substance abuse etc by the youngsters?This is what they learn right from their formative years and they will surely carry it forward in their lives.
We claim of being a developed society in terms of mordernisation and freedom of thoughts.But is allowing these kinds of acts also a part of the so called modern,liberal way of thinking?I think we are getting the concept of modernisation wrong.Modernisation does not refer to women wearing minimal clothes or promoting violence and pub culture.It should rather be an intellectual transformation and self-refinement.
Ragging on any pretext should not be allowed to take violent manifestations.This is not what is expected of a modern society,this looks more like an act commited by a very primitive,sadistic society.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Had a very disturbing dream yesterday.Got up in the morning with a very perplexed mind.Heres what I dreamt of:
" A terrorist under Indian custody somehow managed to escape and reached his home town in some other country.He wandered through the streets trying his best not to reveal his true identity.With much difficulty he reached home and found out that his parents were tourtured and humiliated by the govt authorities and asked not to shelter him in case he returns.But his dad decided to protect him and hid him somewhere in the house.Meanwhile the extremist group to which he belongs sent 3 men to stay in his house and get hold of him in case he gets back home after his escape.They did not realise that he too was hidden in the same house while they stayed there.
But fate flipped things upside down.The men got information about his presence in the house and they tourtured his parents.He was witnesing all of this from the roof of the house where he hid himself,but was helpless and could not react.The men brutally raped his little sister and this fired his blood.He came down and shot dead all the terrorists.
He was once the footman of the very same group to which these men belonged.He killed people for them,he had himself arrested and beaten up for them and yet they offered no protection to him or his family.Theirs was just a use and throw theory."
My dream ended there but my thoughts had just started to begin.A man who propagated terror became an anti-terrorist himself and went against the group and ideologies which were once his life and blood.It was only when he witnessed his family being tortured that he realised the pain and loss caused to millions of other families due to activities of anti-social elements like him,what an irony.I donno why I had such a dream but whatsoever,it was disturbing and intelectually statiating at the same time.

Examination system

The Cbse exams r in progress.But in between there is one major question that needs to be answered.Does the present system of education and examinatios actually cultivate humane traits,free thinking and individuality in the students?Being a 12th standard student I personally feel that this kind of education does not give any opportunity for students to grow.
Education is not mere cramming as we see today.The entire concept of learning needs to be redefined.We do not need students who pass out with cent per cent marks ,work in foreign firms and earn a fat salary.We r in need of a generation who can think,react,be rtional and above all humane.The world is in need of people with a heart.