Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense.

- Rumi

Sunday, April 3, 2011


The much awaited Santosh Sivan movie sadly fails to graduate into a classic from a mediocre take off. The film surely has some excellent shots and frames but most of the time it looks like an overdo.The actors seem to pose for a photograph in most of the scenes.The major flaw is that there is too much of edit and graphics used in the scenes.The artificial lights and sets seem too made up in most places.The most depressing thing is that the movie fails to transmit the agonies of Kelu Nair because the over beautified frames present a rosy picture of war.It looks like as though fighting a war is an easy task.Blame it on the art direction for having produced a plastic set instead of a raw, realistic terrain.
Besides all of this,what is positive is that the film makes a clear political statement.The major issue that emerges in the case of new generation books and movies is that they are apolitical. An apolitical society is inimical to the progress of civilization.This movie surpisingly makes a political assertion which looks like a somewhat anti- West stand. It says that we should stop worshipping the westerners at least now. There is a need to understand that India is even today being exploited by the west and we shudnt fall for their baits. It is the responsibility of each member of the new generation to take forward the dream of our valourous freedom fighters who wished to make an independant, dignified India. This is a thing we all need to adress and this commercial entertainer does make the audians think of it.
Therefore besides being a visual gimmick,Urumi is definetly distinct.

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